Monday, October 1, 2007

The Price of an Appliance You Don't Use

I've seen lots of ideas on how to conserve energy, which saves you money. Everything from buying water-saving nozzles to windows that redirect heat.
What I am going to hopefully explain in this post is how much energy you can waste by just having things plugged in. Those little red lights that show that the appliance is on do burn energy. The most common villans of energy wasting are anything with an external energy pack, anything that uses a remote, or anything that has a running clock(vcr). But just how much is wasted though?

Its believed that most modern appliances use about 15 to 30 watts while not in use, just by being plugged in. This adds up to an extra $10-30 used throughout the life of an appliance. That's PER APPLIANCE.
According to the Canadian Government, it averages out to be about 5-10% of your monthly hydro bill. So if your monthly bill is, lets say, $100, that means you could be wasting $10 each month on unused appliances. It adds to up a good 2 meals out on the town each year!


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